TMJ Sleep World

Frequently asked questions

General FAQs

TMJ The Right Bite Sleep and TMJ Pain Care is a specialized clinic that focuses on treating temporomandibular joint disorders, sleep apnea and other related conditions. We have the most advanced neuromuscular dentistry techniques.
We treat a variety of conditions including TMJ disorders, sleep apnea, bruxism, snoring, migraines and other dental/orthodontic issues that affect your sleep and jaw function. We also provide digital Smile Design Services to help you achieve your picture perfect dream smile.
Our clinics are located in Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata in India and several other locations including Dubai and Nepal . All our clinics are easily accessible for both local and international patients. Please visit our website for detailed directions.
We are open from 10 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Saturday. Weekend appointments can be arranged upon request.
Appointments can be booked online through our website, via email, or by calling our clinic directly at +91 89291 54745.
Yes, we offer telemedicine services to provide consultations and follow-up appointments for patients who cannot visit the clinic in person.

Treatment FAQs

Treatment options vary based on the severity of the condition but may include oral appliances with neuromuscular orthodontic techniques and appliances, physical therapy, medication and in some cases, surgical interventions.
Many patients notice improvements almost immediately after starting CPAP therapy or using a custom-fitted oral appliance, though results can vary based on the individual’s specific condition.
Our treatment process typically involves an initial consultation, diagnostic tests, treatment planning, implementation of the treatment plan and regular follow-ups to monitor progress.
We strive to ensure that all our treatments and procedures are as comfortable as possible. Most of the non-invasive treatments have minimal discomfort, and any discomfort from invasive procedures can be managed with medication.
All the treatments are tailored based on thorough diagnostics and a personalized assessment, considering each patient’s specific symptoms, medical history and treatment goals.
Follow-up care may include additional appointments to adjust treatment devices, evaluate progress, and make any necessary changes to the treatment plan.

Traveling and Logistics FAQs

Yes, we do provide the necessary documentation support for visa applications to ensure our international patients can obtain their medical visas smoothly.
Yes, we offer assistance with hotel bookings and local transportation arrangements to ensure a comfortable stay for our patients.
Yes, we understand that language barrier can be a major obstacle between you achieving your we also offer language assistance services, on prior indication, to help non-English speaking patients communicate effectively during their treatment.
International patients should bring their passport, medical visa, any previous medical records, and any current medications.
The length of stay can vary depending on the treatment plan. We recommend planning for at least a few days to a week for initial consultations and follow-up.
Yes, we offer airport pickup services to make your arrival as smooth as possible while also assisting in finding an accommodation. We understand the hassles travelling for treatments, so we are dedicated to make every step of your journey as seamless as possible.

Finances and Insurance FAQs

We accept various payment methods including cash, credit cards and bank transfers.
Yes, we accept many forms of health insurance. Please contact us in advance to confirm if we can work with your specific health insurance provider. We also provide assistance to further streamline your insurance claim process.

Yes, we offer financing options to help make treatments more affordable for our patients.

Absolutely, we provide detailed estimates after your initial consultation and before any treatment begins.
The treatment costs can vary widely depending on the type and severity of the condition. However, we provide customized estimates based on your specific treatment plan during the initial consultation.
Our clinic can assist with the paperwork to help you claim insurance benefits. Please ensure that you carry the important documents with you. We will provide all necessary insurance details during your initial consultation.