Persistent pain in the jaw area that may extend to the face and neck, indicating issues with jaw alignment and function.
Regular occurrence of tension headaches or migraines that are often linked to problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Noises from the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth, a sign of TMJ disorders that can be addressed through neuromuscular treatment.
Challenges and discomfort when eating, caused by misalignment of the jaw or teeth.
Excessive grinding of the teeth, especially at night, which can lead to tooth wear and increased dental sensitivity, often exacerbated by improper jaw alignment.
Crooked or misaligned teeth result in incorrect bite that may contribute to discomfort and TMJ pains.
If you’re going through any of these symptoms. Consult us right now and get your diagonosis done.
Initial Inquiry
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Consultation and Assessment
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